"Every day we are called to small things with Great Love."

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Janna is 6 Months old

Wow time has sure flown by. We cannot believe that our little baby girl is already 6 months old. We have had such a great 6 months watching her grow and getting to know her and her little personality. Joshua Wayne is sure enjoying his sister...he is so sweet with her, and loves to hold her and give her kisses. At Janna's Dr. Appointment the Dr said she is just perfect :) We do agree. She is growing well. At 6 months Janna can roll over, sit up, and scoot along (Almost a crawl). She says dadadadadada, along with a whole lot of babbling. She has also had her first experience with food. Janna has also received her first two bottom teeth. Julie is really enjoying making her food, and watching her enjoy it. Before we know it she is going to be feeding herself, and crawling all over the place.

She was not sure at first!

But then she loved it !

Yummy ...rice cereal.

Big Brother gave it a try!

Joshua Wayne did not hide his thoughts.

What a Joy!

1 comment:

geegarland said...

She's just a doll! I love J's facial expression with the rice cereal, did he try some? HA HA They do grow up fast...Sofie just turned 18 months and I can't believe how much she's doing and understanding. She talks a lot and it's too cute. She just walked backwards into the room saying, "walk backward, walk backward". ;) We'll chat soon about getting together!!